Log Files: A Hard Working Assistant

Log Files are a Server Administrators’ hardest working assistant. So, when I had to deal with a recent “500 Internal Server Error” I turned to my hard working assistant and started my diagnostics in the Apache Log Files. The Apache HTTP Server (also...

500 Internal Server Error

The “500 Internal Server Error” may be referred to in one of a couple different ways. The most common references are: Internal Server Error 500 Error HTTP Error 500 Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was...

Virtualmin Install Scripts

These days, front end web developers aren’t limited to building websites, from the ground up. Many times, the projects they work on are building themes, plugins, extensions and etc, for existing web platforms. I think building on an existing web platform, offers...

Change MySQL Auto-Increment Number

I spend a lot of time on various Open-Source, web platform, web sites (I.E. OpenEMM, WordPress and others). I often see people asking about how to change the auto-increment number in MySQL. This is usually asked when someone makes a change to User ID fields. Most...