Quoted in Forbes Council Post: 17 Key Strategies For Designing A Secure, Efficient Network
17. Segregate Individual IIoT Processes
In manufacturing environments, I recommend production processes and their associated Industrial Internet of Things devices be hosted on obscure networks that are tightly masked and air-gapped. Make sure to segregate each process and its associated IIoT device(s) on different networks. When access to processes or their IIoT devices is required, deploy a secure, single point-of-entry platform such as IXON’s Cloud platform.
Author: WebDevRobert
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Innovative Technology Professional, working on IT/OT Convergence & Security, in the foundry industry.
Website Designer/Developer since the mid 1990’s.
Apple, Linux and Network Administrator since the late 1990’s.
Background includes several years of IT/OT and IIoT Administration, Communications Infrastructure Design and Project Management.
Currently the VP of Technology for Oil City Iron Works, Inc., in Corsicana, TX.