Quoted in Forbes Council Post: 20 Expert Tips For Tech Leaders Tasked With Leading Digitization
20. Provide Time For Learning And Experimentation
Digitization will be a big change for people, and some may find it overwhelming. However, end users are more accepting of change when they have time to learn and experiment at their own pace—in a more natural, organic fashion—rather than being forced into a “take it or leave it” approach to adoption. Make sure to allow ample time for your end users to learn and experiment.
Author: WebDevRobert
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Innovative Technology Professional, working on IT/OT Convergence & Security, in the foundry industry.
Website Designer/Developer since the mid 1990’s.
Apple, Linux and Network Administrator since the late 1990’s.
Background includes several years of IT/OT and IIoT Administration, Communications Infrastructure Design and Project Management.
Currently the VP of Technology for Oil City Iron Works, Inc., in Corsicana, TX.