Learning Thermostat is most definitely not my area of expertise. However, I consider myself an aficionado of efficiency, so, when something can increase the efficiency of my HVAC system, I want to know more.
Learning Thermostat vs Digital
Digital Thermostats can save people a substantial amount of money, due to their ability to increase or decrease the temperature, based on a pre-configured program. This program is set by the user and usually retains data for several times of the day, as well as specific days in a seven day week. Not all of them operate in the same fashion, but most are pretty similar.
Some Digital Thermostats even give you the ability to modify the program for special events, such as travel or season of the year. Many also provide the ability to modify the program, over the internet, via smart phone, tablet or computer.
However, most Digital Thermostats do not have the ability to help with efficiency, by analyzing usage and temperature information.
Enter Nest, The Learning Thermostat.
Learning Thermostat – Nest
Nest is an innovative new technology, advertised as a Learning Thermostat. It is advertised this way, due to its revolutionary thermostat control. Nest has a computerized memory, learning your favorite settings, throughout each day and week. It monitors the outside temperature, indoor humidity and senses when away from home, determining for itself an “away” temperature. Of course, Nest can also be accessed via smart phone, tablet or laptop.
Nest is even working with Energy Providers on a Rush Hour Rewards program
Learning Thermostat & Regular Maintenance
It doesn’t matter, what type of thermostat or how much it cost, if your HVAC system isn’t regularly maintained, by a certified professional. All heating and air conditioning systems work at their highest possible efficiency, only with regular maintenance and only if ducts are properly sealed/taped, so they are leak free.
A person I trust in the HVAC industry, happens to own and operate Alabama Cooling and Heating. He has been in business for over 20 years and recommends bi-annual maintenance (Spring and Fall). He also wants you to make sure your bi-annual maintenance is done by a certified professional. Alabama Cooling and Heating even provides 10 Tips for Hiring a Heating & Cooling Contractor, on their website.
Why a Learning Thermostat post?
I’m not a tree-hugger and I don’t get on board with a lot of the environmental non-sense. However, I do believe conserving energy is everyone’s responsibility. Consider this article, a little part of me, doing my part.