According to…

To date, the Java platform has attracted more than 6.5 million software developers. It’s used in every major industry segment and has a presence in a wide range of devices, computers, and networks.

Java technology’s versatility, efficiency, platform portability, and security make it the ideal technology for network computing. From laptops to datacenters, game consoles to scientific supercomputers, cell phones to the Internet, Java is everywhere!

Java powers more than 4.5 billion devices including:

  • 850+ million PCs
  • 2.1 billion mobile phones and other handheld devices (source: Ovum)
  • 3.5 billion smart cards
  • Set-top boxes, printers, Web cams, games, car navigation systems, lottery terminals, medical devices, parking payment stations, and more.


Java is a necessity for every web developer and most network administrators.

To install Java for use in Kubuntu 10.10, follow these steps:

  1. Hit Alt+F2 on you keyboard.
  2. In the “Run Command” dialog, type: “konsole” and hit the [enter] key.
  3. Then you will type the following code:
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sun-java-community-team/sun-java6
    then press the [enter] key. This will add the ability to install software from the sun-java-community-team/sun-java6 Personal Package Archives (PPA).
  4. Next, type the following code:
    sudo apt-get update
    then press the [enter] key. This will update the list of packages available for installation.
  5. Finally, type the following code:
    sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin
    then press the [enter] key. This will install the Java6 Run-Time Environment and the Java6 web browser plug-in.

Once all this is completed, you will need to close and re-open all web browsers.

FYI: These steps should also work for Ubuntu.

Additional information about this installation process can be found at: