A favicon, also known as a favorites icon, website icon, shortcut icon, url icon, or bookmark icon, is a small, square image, associated with a specific website.

Web browsers, supporting favicons, may display them in a number of places, like in the address bar, to the left of a bookmark and on browser tabs. Some operating systems, Micro$oft Windoz for example, will use the favicon, as the shortcut icon, when a website shortcut is saved to the desktop.

Utilizing a favicon provides a unique element for visitors to easily identify your company, products, services and website. When your website is bookmarked, your favicon is displayed next to it. If someone saves a shortcut, to your web site, on their desktop, your favicon becomes the shortcut icon.

The more places your favicon is visible, the deeper it is burned in the subconscious of your website’s visitors. So, do you really think not having a favicon, is a good idea?

sapphire favicon

Now, hang on. Don’t get ahead of me here!

Although a website’s favicon, doesn’t really play a role in Search Engine Marketing (SEM) or Search Engine Optimization (SEO), it is a form of branding. So, having a poorly designed favicon can be worse than not having one at all.

Think about it this way…

You do not want website visitors to associate your products and/or services with a poorly designed, poor quality favicon!

For this reason, building a Favicon Favorites Icon for your Website should not be taken lightly.

Much care should be given to the creation of a favicon and after the favicon file is carefully created, just as much care should be taken when linking a favicon, within a website’s HTML.

If you question any part of the favicon creation and linking process, hire a professional to help.