OpenSSH is a remote management utility providing access to a linux server’s console (or command line) remotely.
Installing OpenSSH Server and Client will prove very useful when the troubleshooting, support or remote access is needed.
- At the Debian GNU/Linux w/ KDE Welcome Screen, chose the “Menu” option in the lower left part of the screen.
- In the Menu chose the “Console Login” option. (You Can also simply click ALT+N from the Debian GNU/Linux w/ KDE Welcome Screen, in place of the first two steps in this section. This is a shortcut to the Console or “CONSOLE MODE”.)
- At the Login prompt type: “root” and hit the [enter] key.
- Type in the Password of the “root” user and hit the [enter] key. You would have set this password up during installation. See our Installing Debian 4 on a PC guide.
- Then you will type the following code:
test:~# apt-get update
then press the [enter] key. This will download the latest, most up to date installation packages. Do not try to continue until it has completed the package header downloads. - Once all the package headers have been downloaded, type:
test:~# apt-get install openssh-server
then press the [enter] key to install the OpenSSH Server packages. You will be get a prompt about being sure. Hit the “Y” key and press the [enter] key to continue. When the installation has completed you will be returned to the # command prompt. - Now type:
test:~# apt-get install openssh-client
then press the [enter] key to install the OpenSSH Client packages. You will be get a prompt about being sure. Hit the “Y” key and press the [enter] key to continue. When the installation has completed you will be returned to the # command prompt. - To ensure the OpenSSH Server is running type:
test:~# shutdown now –r
to reboot your system. Once you are back to the Debian GNU/Linux w/ KDE Welcome Screen, you should be able to create an SSH connection from a SSH Client on another computer. - Verify that you can create an SSH Connection. Once you have verified you can make a connection via SSH, you can close the connection by typing:
test:~# exit
at the # command prompt. and then hitting the [enter] key. This will close the SSH connection and quit/exit the client program.
Portions of these steps were taken from an published article available here.
Congratulations, you have successfully installed OpenSSH Server & Client on your Debian System!
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