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For Rent Scam

As if the poor US economy hasn’t dealt the real estate market a bad enough blow, it is also a primary target for the Nigerian Scam industry. No, this is not a new scam! It is just a scam that seams to regenerate itself and become more prominent with the surplus...

90# Telephone Scam

The 90# Telephone Scam is not a real service call from your telephone company. To protect yourself, family, friends and your business from this scam, you need to understand how the 9-0-# scam works and how it applies to you. The truth about this scam is, it only...

The Government Grant Scam

If you are reading this, you may be wondering, what a government grant scam has to do with technology. Most people wouldn’t relate this type of scam with technology simply because there is so much literature out there on grants. Try looking for books on grants...