Today, TNW’s article 5 more ways to start learning how to code right now for free, caught my eye. The article mentioned P2PU, which reminded me of several articles I had read in the past, about P2PU.

I decided it was time for me to see what P2PU is all about.

So, What is P2PU?

The Peer 2 Peer University is a grassroots open education project that organizes learning outside of institutional walls and gives learners recognition for their achievements. –

P2PU Logo

P2PU Logo

Its no secret among many who know me, I’m not really a supporter of the traditional education model. P2PU seems to represent the way I think education should be, across the board.

Please, don’t get me wrong, my disdain for the current education system does not mean I do not want or like to learn. When it comes to the code powering the web, I want to learn as much as I can.

So, what better way to see what P2PU is all about, than to try it, right?

Well, this is me, trying out P2PU. This post represents the required post for P2PU: Webmaking 101.

I suppose many may think this is a waste of time, as I started writing HTML in high school and it wasn’t too long after, when I started using CSS to style my HTML. However, I still learn new things about these two languages, all the time. I also find that going back to the basics is a good way to refresh myself on tags, ideas or techniques I haven’t used in a while.

My goal is to see what P2PU is all about and if I can accomplish that goal and learn a few things while I’m at it… Great!