sources.list file in Debian

Every Debian distribution is managed by the /etc/apt/sources.list file. This file allows you to specify whether you want your distribution to run as a stable, testing or unstable distribution. To view or edit this file from the command line you need to type: test:~#...

Managing Debian Distributions

As a general rule there are three (3) Debian Distributions: Unstable, Testing & Stable. STABLE – This is the latest official release of the Debian GNU/Linux distribution. This is stable and well tested software, which changes only if major security or...

Basic APT Package Management Commands

This article is only intended to show the basic APT (Advanced Packaging Tool) Package Management commands as they are used in Debian GNU/Linux and Ubuntu/Kubuntu. The command below searches for all packages which contain the specified string. test:~# apt-cache search...