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Meta Verification

These Meta Verification Code Snippets will add a specialized group of Meta Tags, to WordPress websites, utilizing the Genesis Framework and to basic HTML websites. Use of these Meta Verification Code Snippets is often requested by 3rd Party web platforms as...

Basic WordPress Security Recommendations

Basic WordPress Security Recommendations to easily secure any WordPress website, without the need for an Experienced WordPress Developer or System Administrator. Please understand, this is a very basic and dumbed-down approach to WordPress security, for WordPress...

Showing Hidden OS X Files

Showing Hidden OS X Files, is something I need to do, from time to time. Don’t get me wrong, I like Apple’s way, of creating order, especially in the finder, but sometimes I need to see everything. For me, Showing Hidden OS X Files, is a need, generally...

SendPress Pro for the Email Marketing Pro

SendPress Pro is built with the Email Marketing Pro in mind. It is a fully integrated, Email Marketing Management (EMM) system, for WordPress. SendPress is available as a free WordPress Plugin. SendPress Pro is a paid add-on, improving the capabilities of the free...