Quoted in Forbes Council Post: 19 Ways AI May Soon Revolutionize The Healthcare IndustryQuoted in Forbes Council Post:
10. Indexing Common Health Markers
I imagine a blockchain-enabled medical resource with an evolving AI. The AI will learn by ingesting patient, practice and research data and will create an index of common markers among patients and medical conditions. This could allow medical researchers to see a much bigger picture and could provide doctors with much more accurate information, on demand, when treating their patients.
Author: WebDevRobert
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Innovative Technology Professional, working on IT/OT Convergence & Security, in the foundry industry.
Website Designer/Developer since the mid 1990’s.
Apple, Linux and Network Administrator since the late 1990’s.
Background includes several years of IT/OT and IIoT Administration, Communications Infrastructure Design and Project Management.
Currently the VP of Technology for Oil City Iron Works, Inc., in Corsicana, TX.