Well, I made it through the first seven challenges. As proof of completion, my helloworld.html page, was uploaded, via FTP and available here.

Webmaking 101 was a very basic, introductory course. However, by going back to the basics I was able to refresh myself on at least one tag and was able to interact with others, sharing similar interests.

I was able to accomplish my goal as well (…to see what P2PU is all about…). I think P2PU has a good start. While I think there are a few things which need significant attention, before P2PU can become anything viable, a solid foundation is already in place.

I will continue to use P2PU, as a way to stay refreshed on the various web code. With my 15 years of experience, I’ll probably spend some time, trying to help others learn as well. I may even become a mentor.

I do think P2PU deserves a look, by education systems and by you. Even if you cannot learn anything from within the P2PU system, you could help others learn. After all, that is what Peer 2 Peer University is all about.

This post represents the required post for P2PU: Webmaking 101 – You’re Live.

Thank you KSnapshot and GIMP, for creating the software I used to create the screen shots in this post, and many others.

If you are interested in any of my prior posts in the P2PU: Webmaking 101 series, you can see them below:

  1. P2PU: Webmaking 101
  2. P2PU: Webmaking 101 – Writing HTML by Hand
  3. P2PU: Webmaking 101 – Choose Your Weapon
  4. P2PU: Webmaking 101 – HTML Hunting in the World Around You
  5. P2PU: Webmaking 101 – Attack the DNS
  6. P2PU: Webmaking 101 – Your Hosting – Hosting & DNS

When you have an extra minute, I still have a poll running at the bottom of the

  • P2PU: Webmaking 101 – Choose Your Weapon
  • post. Take some time to cast your vote. If you don’t see your favorite text editor listed, just add it. I think those who are watching this poll would find it much more useful if the actual editor was mentioned if you choose to vote for “other.”