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From one scam to another, “The Anthony Morrison Listing Agent Certification Program” is no different!

If You’ve Got One Extra Hour Per Day, Here’s How 630,239 U.S. Citizens Now Get Paid Up To $150 A Day (And More) From Home

Blah, blah, blah!

Announcing A New Work-At-Home Job Opportunity That’s Sweeping The Nation And Helping Thousands Of Ordinary Folks Pay Off Their Bills, Get Out Of Debt, Quit Their Jobs, And Live Life With More Financial Freedom And Choice

I’m not going to put all the crap in this article, because the BS is deeper than you shoes are tall. If you have to see The Anthony Morrison Listing Agent Certification Program – Scam (AKA home jobs for citizens) in action, I’ve provided the link.

home jobs for citizens scam

The basic idea behind this scam is:

  1. to get you to pay for the information they are going to provide to you.
  2. provide just enough information to peak your curiosity, but not nearly enough you can actually be successful.
  3. charge you more for educational programs, information courses and mentoring sessions.
  4. all to help you do things which are illegal, unethical or something you could have done without the program.

On the web site, you are never given any information about the products you’ll be listing, where they come from, or who the manufacturer/wholesaler is. Yet, the site makes it seem so easy. All you have to do is post links.

The home page of the web site is a mile long. The image above is not even 1/8th of the entire home page. The information is all customer testimonials and questionable media sources.

There are no actual links to other referral sources. They list the BBB, but do not provide a link to their business’ BBB page and score. They list news agencies, but no links to the coverage on that news site. On and on it goes!

Just read the information from DSL Reports and eBay. Once you do, you’ll want to steer clear of this scam.

There is a Home Jobs for Citizens listed on the BBB, but not one associated with eBay sales and drop shipping. They deal in real estate. Yet the two are cross referenced together and mistaken for the same company. The owner is listed as Dean Graziosi. The principal is listed as Ryan Ellefsen, Operations Manager. The Customer Contact is listed as Kristen Kaminski. None of these people are the guy listed on the web site or in the literature.