MySQL Database Servers and PHP5 make it possible to accomplish some pretty amazing things on your web site.

However, managing your database can be cumbersome and time consuming if you don’t have the right knowledge or tools. This is where phpMyAdmin comes in.

Installing phpMyAdmin will provide you with a web interface to develop and manage MySQL databases.

“phpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the World Wide Web. phpMyAdmin supports a wide range of operations with MySQL. The most frequently used operations are supported by the user interface (managing databases, tables, fields, relations, indexes, users, permissions, etc), while you still have the ability to directly execute any SQL statement.” –

  1. At the Debian GNU/Linux w/ KDE Welcome Screen, chose the “Menu” option in the lower left part of the screen.
  2. In the Menu chose the “Console Login” option. (You Can also simply click ALT+N from the Debian GNU/Linux w/ KDE Welcome Screen, in place of the first two steps in this section. This is a shortcut to the Console or “CONSOLE MODE”.)
  3. At the Login prompt type: “root” and hit the [enter] key.
  4. Type in the Password of the “root” user and hit the [enter] key. You would have set this password up during installation. See our Installing Debian 4 on a PC guide.
  5. Then you will type the following code:
    test:~# apt-get update
    then press the [enter] key. This will download the latest, most up to date installation packages. Do not try to continue until it has completed the package header downloads.
  6. Once all the package headers have been downloaded, type:
    test:~# apt-get install phpmyadmin
    then press the [enter] key to continue. You will be prompted about being sure. Hit the “Y” key and press the [enter] key to continue.
  7. Verify that the installation completed by looking at the last 5 lines of the installation script. Each line should have created a configuration file. You will be left at the # Command Prompt.
  8. You will need to restart your Apache2 web server after installing phpMyAdmin. To do this type:
    test:~# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
    then press the [enter] key. This will restart the Apache2 server, and enforce the new modifications you just made.
  9. Bring up a web browser and go to the IP Address of the machine you are working on: “http://localhost/phpmyadmin/” if you or working locally or “” if you are working remote. Hit the [enter] key.
  10. You should be directed to a website showing the log in screen for phpMyAdmin.
  11. Log in with “root” as the username and leave the password blank. This is the default username and password to get it for the first time. As a rule of security and in general, you will want to add a password to that account to make it more secure.

Congratulations, you have successfully installed phpMyAdmin! Now your databases will be much easier to manage.

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